Space Punks - Game Information

How does it play?

Over-the-top and ever evolving! Whether you’re into rifles, blades or rockets, Space Punks has the right tools for you. Arm yourself to the teeth, fight your way through wild planets, rank up your skills and gear, and become the richest of the rich.

Want more? How about a procedurally-generated endless dungeon known as the Crack to really test your metal? How many levels can you beat and how much loot can you carry before you meet your inevitable grizzly demise?

Still not convinced? Having reached Open Beta, Space Punks is now free-to-play! How about that?!

Get your upgrades

This is where the fun really begins! The ability to customize your arsenal all starts with the sweet loot found on missions, along with completing contracts, daily and weekly challenges. Then simply head over to Fink and she’ll help craft your ultimate weapon.

Need something specific? Hook yourself up with a Get-A-Job contract to ensure you get the right part at the right power level for the perfectly crafted weapon.

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